Rescue repacking for rescue with packing tabs
Rescue repacking
Autumn is a good time to repack your rescue. Here is what is important and what you need to do:
First check the model and the production year of your rescue. The easiest way is to check the date on the invoice you got from your dealer. If your rescue is 10 to 12 years old you should consider buying a new one. Your rescue can save your life and cost you only cca. 50€ per year (cheapest rescue over 10 years).
Before you take the rescue out of your harness, you can use this opportunity to simulate throwing your rescue. Sit in your harness and first simulate the move of your arm and grab the handle with your hand. Then finally, throw the rescue as hard as you can. This will eventually point out potential problems either by your throwing technique or the harness mechanism itself. A good result is, if you can throw your rescue 5m from the position where you hang with your harness.
Then you can put your rescue into a box and send it to us for repacking. Please carefully secure the bridle to avoid tangling into the lines of the rescue. This will save time and money for untangling.
When we receive the rescue, the first thing we will do is check the model and put it out for drying. We will dry it 24 hours on a humidity of up to max 55%. This is important because moisture and mould can damage the fabric.
Before repacking we always check the newest manual and strictly follow the manufacturer guideline for packing. Packing is done by Toni and Mateja. Before starting our Tomatosport Shop we had a legend as a mentor for rescue packing: Tomáš Lednik. We are grateful for the time we had together and all the lessons Tomáš taught us.